Financial Disclosure in Divorce in the UK: A Critical Process

Financial disclosure is a pivotal aspect of the divorce process in the UK, ensuring fair and equitable settlements between parties. It involves both parties providing a comprehensive and accurate account of their financial situation, which is crucial for reaching a fair division of assets and determination of any maintenance obligations. This article explores the intricacies of financial disclosure in UK divorces, its legal framework, and its significance.

Legal Framework

In the UK, financial disclosure in divorce is governed by family law and is an integral part of the financial remedy process. The Family Procedure Rules 2010 set out the requirements for disclosure, ensuring both parties present a full and frank account of their financial circumstances. This is typically done through the Form E, a detailed financial statement that each party must complete and exchange, although at Hampshire Mediation we use our own form.

The court mandates full financial disclosure to ensure that any financial settlement is based on accurate and complete information. Failing to provide honest and comprehensive disclosure can lead to serious legal consequences, including the possibility of the court revisiting and altering the final settlement.

Key Components of Financial Disclosure

  1. Financial Disclosure Form or Form E: This is the cornerstone of financial disclosure. It requires detailed information about income, assets, liabilities, and expenditure. This includes property valuations, bank statements, pension valuations, investments and any other financial interests. Both parties must also disclose any debts or liabilities they hold.
  2. Supporting Documents: Parties must also provide supporting documents to verify the information that they have supplied. This includes recent payslips, P60s, mortgage statements and business accounts if applicable. These documents help ensure that the disclosure is both accurate and transparent.
  3. Disclosure Statement: Both parties sign a statement of truth, declaring that the information provided is complete and accurate to the best of their knowledge. This legally binds them to the accuracy of their disclosure.

Importance of Financial Disclosure

Financial disclosure is important for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures that both parties have a clear understanding of the matrimonial finances, which is essential for negotiating a fair settlement. Without full disclosure, one party might be disadvantaged, leading to an unfair division of assets or inappropriate maintenance arrangements.

Secondly, it promotes transparency and trust in what can be an adversarial process. By providing a full and honest account of their finances, parties can work towards an equitable resolution through mediation.

Thirdly, financial disclosure helps protect the interests of any children involved. Accurate disclosure ensures that child maintenance is set at an appropriate level, reflecting the true financial capabilities of both parents.


Financial disclosure is a fundamental part of the divorce process in the UK. Governed by strict legal requirements, it ensures transparency, fairness and equity in financial settlements. By providing a full and honest account of their financial circumstances, divorcing parties can work towards a fair resolution, protecting their interests and those of their children. This process not only facilitates fair settlements but also upholds the integrity and fairness of the judicial system in family law matters.