Hampshire Mediation offers a method of resolving disputes without recourse to long and expensive legal action. Mediation is a well established and trusted process for resolving disputes. During mediation an impartial third party – the mediator – helps people to find a mutually acceptable solution to a problem. Mediation is much cheaper and far quicker than going to court.

What is mediation?

Mediation is a process in which two or more people involved in a dispute agree to meet and, with the help of a third party who is entirely neutral, work together to arrive at a settlement which is acceptable to all.

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Family mediation – the process

Family mediation begins with a one-to-one meeting between the mediator and each participant. Thereafter, and if everyone is willing to do so, it can proceed to a joint meeting where a range of possible subjects can be covered. The mediator creates an environment in which the participants can discuss finances, children and property in a calm and neutral setting.

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Civil and commercial mediation – the process

Every mediation session is different, but there is a common format. The mediation session begins with an open session where each participant has the opportunity to talk about the dispute.

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Why choose mediation?

Mediation’s greatest value is that it reduces hostility and helps parties to come to an agreement in a neutral setting. In a family situation this can be vital as there will need to be a continuing relationship for the sake of any children who are involved. It discourages confrontation and promotes cooperation by focusing on the shared nature of the problem, rather than the entrenched positions that parties may have settled into.

More information about the experience of taking part in mediation can be found here.

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Between 85% and 90% of mediations result in settlement.

Mediation is a form of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) and is:

  • Quick: because it can be arranged in days
  • Effective: because studies show that over 85% of disputes that are mediated end in a solution acceptable to all the parties involved
  • Economical: because it saves on the very high and often unpredictable cost of going to court
  • Easy: A mediation can be arranged with one phone call, and all fees are agreed at the outset – there will be no nasty surprises!

Based in Winchester, but covering Hampshire, Berkshire, West Sussex, Dorset and Wiltshire, and the surrounding counties. Hampshire Mediation offers mediation across a broad spectrum of disputes, including:

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